Sound is one of the most ancient practices known to mankind. The ancient Greeks used sound to cure mental disorders such as anxiety, depression and physical issues. Sound healing synchronises the brain waves to achieve profound states of relaxation, helping to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of the cells in our body. It also helps to clear energetic blockages and facilitate healing on a physical and mental level.

Our own voice is a tool frequently used in healing and the most ancient method. By using phrases that create a vibration designed to balance and align you on a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. Also known as Toning it is recognised for improving health and a heightened consciousness.

The 432hz Sound Bed known for its restorative ability, was first developed by a German Swiss music therapist, Dr Joachim Marx in the 1980’s. According to several studies, they found it decreases the heart rate and blood pressure. It can improve the quality of sleep and help to release energetic blockages.

The Gong with its resonant tones, play a significant role in sound healing across cultures and traditions throughout history. Gongs have ancient origins in Asia, used for spiritual ceremonies and traditional music. They induce altered states of consciousness and connect earthly and spiritual realms. In Eastern traditions, gongs are sacred in meditation and rituals, resonating with universal vibrations. Traded globally, gongs are integrated into diverse spiritual practices for healing and harmonizing energies. In Western sound healing, gongs gained popularity in the late 20th century for their therapeutic applications, promoting relaxation and energetic balancing. Modern sound healers innovate with gong sizes, materials, and techniques for unique healing experiences across various modalities.

Crystal Bowls have been in existence for the past 25 years or more. Many people experience profound therapeutic and transformational effects simply by tuning into them.

  • Human cells have a crystalline structure resonating with quartz crystal frequencies.

  • Quartz crystal singing bowls align with chakras, producing pure sounds for meditation and healing.

  • Clear quartz singing bowls stimulate seven chakras, transferring light energy for healing and consciousness shift.

  • Practitioners believe quartz crystals balance the electromagnetic field during meditation.

  • Crystal singing bowls are considered more effective than metal bowls as they align with the body's frequency, making them a preferred tool for sound therapy.

The Didgeridoo comes from the sacred traditions of Aboriginal Australians, dating back thousands of years. The didgeridoo’s unique sound and vibrations have been recognized in the realm of sound therapy and vibrational healing practices. Many healers incorporate the didgeridoo as a tool to facilitate energy balance and chakra alignment. The vibrational tones and frequencies produced by the didgeridoo is believed to penetrate the body at a cellular level, promoting the release of stagnant energy, restoring harmony, and stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. The droning sounds created by the didgeridoo have the potential to facilitate altered states of consciousness spiritual exploration and move you into a transformational journey, exploring the higher states of awareness This can offer profound insights, spiritual growth, and a deeper connection with the divine or the universal energy.