Our Teachers

Devi Harpal. During her life journey, Devi experienced two near death episodes, PTSD, Anxiety, Panic attacks and years of auto immune complications. After making a full recovery from a severe car accident (which at the time left her paralysed), Devi knew there was something far greater beyond her limited beliefs.

This realisation was followed by many years of yoga, meditation, scientific and spiritual research including; workshops with well known practitioners such as Dr Gabor Mate, Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Bruce Lipton and many others.

This period of seeking and searching provided elevating, transformative and inspiring experiences. Devi recognised that some of her realisations and experiences during this period of enquiry were uncomfortable and even painful on occasions.

Devi was introduced to Kundalini Yoga in the US with practitioner Sat Dharam Kaur. This ancient practice brought her to a greater understanding and inner connection to herself. Devi stated “you think you know yourself and then come to realise that you don’t!” She continued on with mentors, Sat Sarbat Kaur, Satmukh Singh, Fatey Singh, Mahanraj and Tarn Taran Singh. She has a great fondness for philosophers, Krishnamurti, Alan Watts, Ram Das and several others.

Devi continues her journey into discovering the depth of her own true divine nature with love, compassion and kindness. This dedication has provided powerful insights into the many benefits of the Kundalini practices. She is passionate about assisting, guiding, and nurturing others on their journey back to wholeness.

Devi participated professionally in the music industry for 50 years and began yoga & meditation practices 30 years ago. Devi incorporates her life skills gained from working in the music industry with her natural born channeling and clairaudient skills into her yoga classes and sound therapy sessions. She is a certified KRI yoga instructor. Devi completed an intensive 12 month Ancestral Energy healing program and is also a Reiki practitioner. Devi is an accomplished potter/artist and holds a BA in contemporary visual arts. Currently she is a volunteer with Safe Space Busselton a drop in style, non-clinical approach to suicide prevention and emotional stress.

Devi brings a compassionate, healing and nurturing approach with mantra, sound, yogic movement and therapy to support each students unique experience.

Inji Dave - I often get asked why I love yoga? My answer is simple. Yoga worked for me.

My nerves had stretched to breaking point. I couldn’t sleep at night. I would wake in the middle of the night with my heart racing. My usual escape techniques involving morning running, swimming, surfing and cycling was keeping me fit but nothing was changing on the inside.

I was in my late 30s and was fortunate to have found a Hatha based yoga and meditation teacher offering classes nearby.

Over the next 5 years my nerves began to settle down and my sleep patterns improved. Importantly the benefits flowed into my ability to cope with work life pressure. Many aspects of my life continued to improve. I found myself naturally transitioning into more personally rewarding mentoring roles in my career.

For the first few years of yoga practice I was happy to enjoy the physiological and physical benefits. I am very grateful for this period of my life and the teachers I practiced with. It set me up for the next stage of yoga which was to come to grips with my own samskaras, ( programs and conditions below the conscious mind). This stage of yoga is more emotionally intense as it brings us face to face with our own habits, patterns of behaviours, emotions and trigger mechanisms.

The transformative process, which began on the outer form, was now moving to the inner form. This stage is a work in progress. I am blessed to be able to share this unfolding of the heart with Devi Harpal,

The benefits of this stage provided the turning point in my desire to share the benefits of yoga with my friends and colleagues. Importantly, it provided me with the personal experience of the time, dedication, self kindness, patience and support required to stay motivated.

I often say that our life is our “yoga”, in the sense that when we commit to a yoga program, our daily life will give us immediate feedback as to our progress in terms of the quality of our relationship with others and with the quality of our relationship to our activities and pursuits.

Yoga has proven itself to me. It has withstood decades of life ups and downs. I continue a daily practice of meditation and yoga not as a chore, but as an act of reverence. It is my sacred sanctuary.

I adopt the classic non-dual awareness cultivation techniques into meditation classes. My favourite ancient yogic scriptures which I refer to in yogic philosophy workshops are derived from the same classic non dual traditions.

Nothing gives me more joy than seeing others begin to uncover the treasures of incorporating yoga into their lives in ways that work for them.


Jean-Michel David (Prakash-Seva Singh), as well as having taught sacred movement (choreocosmos and paneurhythmy) and meditation for over 20 years, and enjoying life-long participation in yoga (his mother, sisters, and nephew teach various styles of yoga), has more recently added KRI Kundalini Yoga.

As will appear in many places on this site, Kundalini Yoga has a special and wholesome appeal as it brings together simple yet highly effective asanas (postures), bandhas (locks), breath (pranayama), and meditative techniques.

'In most of my classes, I also include sounds during the relaxation from the astounding Italian creation by Franco Rossi. These are reminiscent of silica singing bowls, yet more sonorous and gentle.'

For more information on Jean Michel https://www.fourhares.com